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At Demyana Law, we take pride in providing our clients with the highest quality legal services available. Our areas of practice include Intellectual Property Law (Copyright & Trademark), Business/Contract Law, Entertainment Law, Sports Law, Civil Matters (Torts), Probate, and Immigration.

Our founder, Demyana Boshra, possesses extensive experience in the legal field. She had worked as a paralegal intern in Immigration Law, and prior to founding Demyana Law, she has worked as an Associate Attorney in different areas of law.

Born and raised in France, Demyana Boshra went through both her undergraduate and graduate studies in Florida. In May 2022, she obtained her Juris Doctor degree, with a certificate in Intellectual Property from St. Thomas University College of Law, in Miami.

She already had completed her Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from Florida International University, and her Associate of Arts in Pre-Law and Associate of Sciences in Paralegal Studies from Miami Dade College. Challenge-driven, and not long after she obtained some experience, she created Demyana Law. At the head of her own firm, Ms. Boshra’s main goal is to build exclusive and privileged relationships with each of her clients.

At Demyana Law, we prioritize our client’s needs and are committed to providing tailored and effective legal services. With our founder’s professionalism and knowledge in intellectual property, immigration, civil matters, and business/contract law, our clients can have peace of mind that they will benefit from her skills and insight, along with our quality legal advice and service.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can assist you with your legal needs.

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